Short Stories For English Literacy

Spesifikasi Buku
Harga | Rp. 85.000 |
ISBN | 978-623-8406-76-0 |
Editor | Leni Marlina, S.S., M.A. |
Penulis | Leni Marlina, S.S., M.A. Dr. Zul Amri, M.Ed. Dian Safitri, M.Pd. Abelia Rivanka Andricos, S.Pd. |
Kategori | Buku Ajar |
Ukuran | 18 cm x 25 cm |
Jumlah Halaman | 193 Halaman |
Tahun Terbit | 2024 |
“Short Stories for English Literacy” is a curated compilation of stories sourced from Storybooks Canada, a platform dedicated to multilingualism, diversity and storytelling excellence. With a deep commitment to cultivating a love of literature and learning, this collection transcends boundaries and invites readers of all ages to embark on a literary journey that honors the power of storytelling. Each story is handpicked from the Canadian Storybook across the cultural landscape, introducing new perspectives, and reaffirming timeless values. Readers are invited to embark on an adventure that takes them to enchanting worlds, introduces extraordinary characters, and teaches lessons that transcend generations. Through the exercises included in the compilation, readers are supported in increasing their understanding, motivation and understanding, as well as developing better literacy skills. This book not only presents a collection of selected stories from Storybook Canada, a digital children’s literature site, but also offers a variety of exercises aimed at improving the reader’s English skills. These exercises include writing, reading, and listening assignments, as well as questions that help readers improve their vocabulary and reading comprehension. This book also includes a glossary that defines foreign words, making it easier for readers to understand the text. Additionally, the book comes with a QR code that leads to a Google-shaped link containing interactive story exercises, providing an engaging and immersive reading experience.